
The Project Team recognize that noise is of concern to the adjacent communities and businesses for this Detail Design Study.

A noise assessment was undertaken during the previously completed Freeman Interchange Preliminary Design EA Study to determine noise impacts in the study area associated with the proposed highway widening under the Recommended Plan. This included identifying noise sensitive areas within and adjacent to the study area, completing noise modelling, and if appropriate, proposing mitigation measures. The process followed the 2016 MTO Environmental Guide for Noise (the Guide), which is an approved procedure for assessing potential noise impacts of the proposed highway widenings.

For any noise sensitive areas (NSAs) that may experience a significant increase in the level of noise, with a proposed highway widening in place, when compared to no highway widening in place (leaving the highway exactly as it is today), the Guide (2016) requires MTO to:

  • Investigate possible noise control measures within the Right of Way (ROW);
  • Mitigate noise levels if administratively, economically, and technically feasible; and
  • Achieve a minimum reduction of five decibels averaged over the first row noise receivers, with mitigation measures.

This process was thoroughly followed, and it was determined that noise mitigation was not warranted as a result of the highway widening proposed under the previously completed Freeman Interchange Preliminary Design EA Study based on MTO policy under the Guide (2016).

During the previous Freeman Interchange Preliminary Design EA Study, a Noise Information Package was provided to the City of Burlington, Halton Region and public contacts on the study mailing list via direct mail or email, and posted on the Freeman Interchange Preliminary Design project’s website in November 2019. The information package was prepared to provide an overview of the noise impact assessment carried out for the Freeman Interchange Preliminary Design EA Study’s Recommended Plan, which included a proposed highway widening of both the QEW and Hwy 403.

Further information on the noise study that took place in Preliminary Design is provided in the Transportation Environmental Study Report (TESR) and Noise Assessment Report under the Previous Studies tab. Please also refer to the noise related Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).

The current Detail Design Study for the QEW and Hwy 403 Improvements will follow the 2022 MTO Environmental Guide for Noise and will review construction noise for this study, and will be mitigated, where feasible. Noise complaints resulting from highway construction will be investigated with appropriate action, if applicable.

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